Customer Data Intelligence for Rev-Ops teams

Good data is
good business.

Parative's data intelligence tools help Rev-Ops be more strategic by replacing the manual work of understanding and using data to drive revenue-generating process improvements.

Screenshots of Parative's Data Integrations, Data Auditing tools, Funnel reporting based on data properties, and churn prediction ai model reports.
Platform Overview

A Suite of Rev-Ops Tools for Using Customer Data to Drive Revenue

Learn How it Works
Funnel goals, win rate and sales cycle reporting, and a bowtie funnel covering new and existing business reporting on specific property relationships

Funnel intelligence to identify improvements across every funnel.

A churn score report for a specific account, the churn models precision score, and a distributions of scored accounts graph

AI Analysis of historical data to predict future churn.

Data Audit reporting on CRM data's update frequency, malformed data, records with low activity, and unconnected records, identifying all records needing attention

Continuous CRM audit to easily find and fix a range of data issues.

Slack alert for churn warning, a report for a customer journey for integrations onboarding, and a series of automations associated with a score change

CS toolkit for getting started with Customer Success Operations.

Parative is a data intelligence engine built specifically for Rev-Ops.

Deeply Understand Your Funnels

Parative analyzes your distinct funnels to diagnose performance, identify improvements, and uncover hidden insights.

Leverage AI to Predict Churn

Parative's AI can be used to analyze historical data – including unstructured data – in order to predict customer risk and churn.

Parative CS Icon

Assess & Address Your Data Issues

Parative continually audits your CRM to flag data issues, track the use of core data, and give you a roadmap to pristine data integrity.

Trusted by Rev-Ops teams of all sizes.