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Navigating the Path to Consolidation: A Guide to Auditing Your Tech Stack

June 22, 2023
June 20, 2023
June 16, 2023

In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, the phrase "there's an app for that" has taken on a whole new meaning. Businesses now rely on a complex network of software applications to function efficiently, a network commonly referred to as a tech stack.

A typical tech stack could include everything from customer relationship management (CRM) tools to project management software, data analytics platforms, and a multitude of communication tools.

A tech stack is like the central nervous system of a business. It connects different parts of the organization, enables them to communicate effectively, and allows them to perform their functions seamlessly.

But just like the human nervous system, a tech stack can be complex and delicate. Too much complexity, or the wrong kind of complexity, can lead to inefficiencies, redundancies, and high costs.

Recent studies indicate that businesses, especially those in the SaaS landscape, are grappling with this challenge. For instance, a survey by Blissfully revealed that a typical mid-sized company uses 130 SaaS applications on average, with larger companies using more than 200.

However, the report also noted a trend towards SaaS rationalization - an effort to streamline the tech stack by eliminating redundancies and focusing on essential applications.

The irony of our digital age is that while technology was supposed to make our lives simpler, it often ends up complicating things. Take, for instance, a business that uses separate tools for email marketing, social media management, content management, and analytics.

While each of these tools might be best-in-class in their respective domains, managing them collectively can be a logistical nightmare. Multiple logins, lack of integration, data silos, and overlapping functionalities can lead to inefficiencies, not to mention the considerable cost of maintaining multiple subscriptions.

So, what's the solution to this digital quagmire?

Tech stack consolidation - the process of reducing the number of tools in your tech stack by merging functionalities into fewer, more comprehensive platforms.

The benefits are numerous: simplified workflows, improved collaboration, reduced costs, and a more cohesive understanding of your business data.

But before you can consolidate, you need to understand exactly what you're working with. And this is where a tech stack audit comes into play. Think of it as spring cleaning for your digital toolbox. You need to take each tool out, evaluate its utility, and decide whether it earns its place back in the box.

The aim of this blog post is to guide you through this process, to help you understand your tech stack better, and to pave the way for effective consolidation. We'll break down the audit process into actionable steps, discuss who should be involved, delve into what you should be looking for, and outline what to do once you've completed the audit.

By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to streamline your tech stack, making your business more efficient and cost-effective.

And who knows? You might just find that the path to digital simplicity is not as complex as you thought.

Stay with us as we take a deep dive into the world of tech stack audits, shedding light on the problems, processes, and potential of tech stack consolidation.

tech consolidation ebook download

What to Audit: Understanding Your Tech Stack

A successful audit starts with a clear understanding of what you're auditing. When it comes to your tech stack, this means breaking down each component and examining it closely.

But first, let's take a step back and establish what exactly a tech stack is.

A tech stack is a combination of software applications and technologies used to build and run one's business. It's not a physical 'stack' but rather a metaphorical one, with different layers representing different types of software applications that work together to drive your business operations. Think of it as the digital infrastructure of your company.

But what are these layers, and what should you be looking for when auditing them? Let's break it down.

CRM Tools

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are crucial to any business. They manage your company's interactions with current and potential customers. When auditing your CRM, consider:

  1. Functionality: Does your CRM integrate well with your marketing, sales, and customer service teams? Does it provide features that are vital to your business, such as contact management, lead tracking, email marketing, or social media management?
  2. Cost: Is the CRM cost-effective, considering its functionalities? Are there cheaper alternatives that offer similar features?
  3. Utilization: Are you making the most of your CRM? Are all its features being used, or are there modules that lie redundant?

Project Management Tools

Project management tools help your team collaborate and organize their work. Your audit should examine:

  1. Functionality: Does your project management tool facilitate effective task tracking, resource allocation, and team collaboration?
  2. Cost: Are you paying for features that your team doesn't use? Could a less expensive tool serve your needs just as well?
  3. Utilization: Are all team members using the tool consistently? If not, why? Is it because of a steep learning curve or lack of essential features?

Communication Tools

These tools facilitate internal and external communication. Your audit should address:

  1. Functionality: Does your communication tool support seamless team communication, both internally and externally? Does it offer features like instant messaging, video conferencing, and file sharing?
  2. Cost: Are you paying for advanced features that you don't need? Could a cheaper tool offer the same benefits?
  3. Utilization: Are all team members comfortable using the tool? Are there any barriers to usage, such as a difficult interface or lack of essential features?

Marketing Platforms

Marketing platforms help manage your marketing activities. When auditing, consider:

  1. Functionality: Does your marketing platform support SEO, content management, email marketing, social media scheduling, and analytics?
  2. Cost: Is the platform cost-effective, considering the functionalities it offers? Could a cheaper tool with similar features suffice?
  3. Utilization: Are all the features being used effectively? Are there any unused modules that you're still paying for?

Data and Product Analytics Software

Data and product analytics tools help you make sense of the vast amounts of data your company collects. During the audit, evaluate:

  1. Functionality: Does your analytics tool provide insightful and actionable reports? Does it integrate well with your other tools, like your CRM or marketing platform?
  2. Cost: Are you paying for advanced analytical features that you're not using? Could a simpler, less expensive tool meet your needs?
  3. Utilization: Is your team making full use of the tool's capabilities? If not, why not?

The idea is not to get rid of tools but to ensure that every tool in your stack is there for a reason and contributes effectively to your business operations. Redundancies, overlaps, or gaps in your tech stack might not be immediately apparent, but an in-depth audit can reveal a lot.

For instance, you might discover that your CRM and marketing platform have overlapping features. Maybe your CRM has an email marketing feature that you're not using because you're using a separate tool for that. Or perhaps you have a gap in your stack - a business need that none of your tools are addressing adequately.

The tech stack audit is the first step towards tech stack consolidation, which is all about streamlining your digital tools to make your business more efficient and cost-effective. It's not an easy task, but with a systematic approach and a clear understanding of your needs, it's entirely achievable.

How to Audit: The Process of Tech Stack Evaluation

So, now that we know what we're auditing, the question arises - how do we audit? How do we dissect the multitude of tools we're using, evaluate their value, and decide what stays and what goes?

This is where a structured, systematic approach comes into play.

1. Gather Data About Each Tool

Start by collecting essential data about every tool in your tech stack. This includes information like:

  1. Cost: What's the monthly or annual cost of the tool? Are you paying for any additional features or services?
  2. Usage Stats: How often is the tool being used? By how many team members? Are all its features being utilized?
  3. Integration Capabilities: How well does the tool integrate with others in your stack? Are there any issues or inefficiencies resulting from poor integration?

This information gives you a bird's eye view of your tech stack and helps you spot obvious issues, like redundant tools or underutilized features.

2. Categorize Tools Based on Functionalities

Next, categorize your tools based on what they do. This makes it easier to identify overlaps and redundancies.

For example, you could categorize your tools into buckets like:

  1. CRM Tools
  2. Project Management Tools
  3. Communication Tools
  4. Marketing Platforms
  5. Data Analytics Software

This categorization helps you identify areas where you might be using multiple tools for the same purpose. For instance, if you're using three different tools for project management, there's likely room for consolidation.

3. Assess the Value of Each Tool

Once you've gathered data and categorized your tools, it's time to assess the value each tool brings to your business. This can be tricky, as the value of a tool is not always reflected in its cost or usage stats.

To assess a tool's value, consider factors like:

  1. ROI: What's the return on investment for the tool? Are you seeing a tangible benefit, like increased sales or improved productivity, that justifies its cost?
  2. Impact on Productivity: How does the tool impact your team's productivity? Does it streamline workflows, or does it cause more problems than it solves?
  3. Relevance to Business Goals: Is the tool aligned with your current and future business goals? Does it support your growth plans, or is it holding you back?

For instance, a project management tool might be expensive and underutilized by your team. But if it's instrumental in coordinating your remote teams and keeping your projects on track, its value could far outweigh its cost.

4. Document and Visualize Your Tech Stack

Finally, document your tech stack and visualize it in a way that makes sense to you and your team. This could be a spreadsheet detailing each tool, its cost, its usage stats, and its value assessment. Or it could be a flowchart or diagram illustrating how the different tools in your stack interact and integrate with each other.

This visualization helps you see your tech stack as a whole, rather than as a collection of individual tools. It can reveal insights about your tech stack that aren't immediately apparent from the data.

For example, it might show that your marketing tools aren't integrating well with your CRM, causing inefficiencies in your sales process.

The key here is not to rush this process. Take your time, gather your data, categorize your tools, assess their value, and visualize your tech stack. It might seem like a daunting task, but remember: the goal is not just to reduce costs but to streamline your business, improve productivity, and support your growth. And a well-executed tech stack audit is the first step towards achieving these goals.

Who Should Be Involved: Stakeholders in the Tech Stack Audit

The auditing process is not a one-person show. To conduct a successful tech stack audit, you need the involvement of various stakeholders, each bringing a unique perspective to the table. The right mix of participants will ensure that the audit covers all aspects of your tech stack, from usage and functionality to cost and business value.

1. Representatives from Different Departments

Each department in your organization likely uses a unique set of tools tailored to their needs. By including representatives from each department in the audit process, you can gain a holistic view of your tech stack.

These representatives can provide insights into how their teams use specific tools, how important these tools are for their daily tasks, and any issues they might be facing.

2. IT Personnel

Your IT team plays a crucial role in managing your tech stack. They have an in-depth understanding of the technical aspects of each tool, including integration capabilities, security features, and potential for customization. Their knowledge is vital when auditing the technical performance and potential of the tools in your stack.

3. Decision-Makers

Including decision-makers in the audit process is crucial. This group can include executives, managers, or other stakeholders who have a say in budgeting decisions and strategic direction. They can provide a high-level perspective on the value and relevance of each tool in your tech stack, ensuring that the results of the audit align with the organization's broader goals.

Now that we know who should be involved, how do we ensure smooth communication and consensus among these diverse stakeholders?

Facilitating Effective Communication

Communication is key during a tech stack audit. With multiple stakeholders involved, it's essential to establish clear lines of communication from the start.

  • Hold regular meetings to discuss findings and make decisions collectively.
  • Utilize project management tools to track the audit process and share updates.
  • Foster an open dialogue where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and feedback.

Managing Perspectives and Reaching Consensus

Different stakeholders will inevitably have different perspectives on what constitutes a valuable tool. For example, a marketing team member might see great value in a social media management tool that the IT team finds difficult to integrate with the rest of the tech stack. How do we manage these differing viewpoints?

The key is to foster an environment of collaboration and understanding. Encourage each stakeholder to explain their perspective and listen to others with an open mind. Utilize the data gathered during the audit to guide the discussion and reach a consensus. Remember, the goal is to create a tech stack that supports everyone's needs and contributes to the overall growth and success of the organization.

By involving a diverse group of stakeholders in the tech stack audit, facilitating open communication, and managing different perspectives, you can conduct a comprehensive and productive audit that leads to meaningful improvements in your tech environment.

What to Look For: Identifying Opportunities for Consolidation

As you delve deeper into your tech stack audit, the next step is to identify opportunities for consolidation. Here, you're looking for signs that some tools could be replaced, eliminated, or merged to streamline your tech environment, save costs, and enhance team productivity. Here's what you should be looking out for:

1. Redundant Tools

Redundancies in your tech stack often signal a chance for consolidation. Are there multiple tools performing similar functions? Could these functions be managed more efficiently with a single, comprehensive platform? Identifying these overlaps is a crucial step in uncovering consolidation opportunities.

2. Underutilized Software

It's not uncommon to find software that's underused or, in some cases, not used at all. These tools are prime candidates for elimination or replacement. Look at usage stats to identify such software. If a tool is rarely used, it might be because it's not user-friendly, doesn't meet the team's needs, or there's another tool that accomplishes the same task more effectively.

3. Poorly Integrated Tools

A disjointed tech stack can lead to inefficiencies and roadblocks in your workflows. Tools that don't integrate well with others create data silos and communication gaps, slowing down processes and causing frustrations among the team. Look for software that is incompatible or integrates poorly with the rest of your tech stack. Replacing such tools with more compatible alternatives can significantly improve your team's efficiency and productivity.

As you recognize these signs, you'll start seeing the potential for consolidation. But what should this lead to?

Recognizing the Potential for Cost Savings, Increased Efficiency, and Improved Workflows

Consolidating your tech stack can have multiple benefits. It can lead to substantial cost savings by reducing the number of tools you're paying for. It can also improve efficiency by simplifying workflows, enhancing data accessibility, and reducing the time spent learning and navigating multiple platforms.

Make sure to calculate the potential savings and productivity gains from each consolidation opportunity you identify.

Identifying Suitable Tools or Platforms for Consolidation

With a clearer understanding of where consolidation is possible, the next step is to identify suitable replacement tools or platforms. These should offer the range of functionalities you need, be cost-effective, integrate easily with your existing tech stack, and offer an intuitive, user-friendly experience.

You may find a single comprehensive platform that offers multiple functions of your existing tools. For example, Parative CS, as discussed in our eBook, provides a wide range of features and functionalities that can replace several standalone tools, potentially saving costs and enhancing team productivity.

In identifying these opportunities, you're not only optimizing your tech stack but also creating a more seamless, efficient, and cost-effective tech environment for your team. As you conclude the audit, you'll be equipped with valuable insights and a clear path towards tech stack consolidation.

Next Steps: Post-Audit Actions

Having completed your tech stack audit, you're now equipped with a wealth of insights into the current state of your software environment. But what comes next? Here's how you can turn these insights into a tangible action plan, manage changes effectively, and ensure your tech stack remains efficient and relevant over time.

1. Creating an Action Plan

Your first task post-audit is to formulate a clear, practical action plan based on your findings. This plan should outline the steps you intend to take to optimize your tech stack. Look at areas ripe for consolidation and identify the tools that will be phased out. Determine which new tools or platforms, if any, you plan to adopt.

This action plan should prioritize the changes that will bring the most significant benefits—whether in cost savings, enhanced productivity, or improved workflows—and that align best with your company's strategic goals. Also, consider the feasibility of these changes, especially in terms of budget, timelines, and resource allocation.

2. Implementing Change Management Strategies

Consolidating your tech stack inevitably involves change, and managing this change effectively is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. This is where a robust change management strategy comes into play. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Training: Make sure your team is well-prepared to use the new tools. Provide thorough training and resources to help them understand and navigate the new software.
  • Communication: Keep the lines of communication open. Inform your team about the upcoming changes, the reasons behind them, and how they will benefit. Regular updates can help alleviate any uncertainties and resistance.
  • Gradual Rollouts: If possible, implement the new tools in stages rather than all at once. This approach allows your team to adapt gradually to the new software and provides opportunities to address any issues on a smaller scale before full implementation.

3. Ongoing Reviews and Audits

Finally, remember that optimizing your tech stack isn't a one-time event. As your company evolves, so too will its software needs. Regularly review and audit your tech stack to ensure it remains aligned with your company's changing goals and requirements.

Establish a schedule for these reviews—whether annually, bi-annually, or quarterly—and stick to it. Regular audits will help you identify new areas for consolidation, discover underutilized tools, and ensure you're always making the most of your tech investment.

By taking these steps, you can translate your tech stack audit into meaningful improvements for your company. It's all about turning insights into action—and paving the way towards a more efficient, cost-effective, and powerful tech environment.

Getting More out of Less

We all want more, right?

More pipeline, more customers, more renewals.  

More revenue.

But the days of more at any cost are over. It’s now all about getting more out of less.

More out of fewer reps, more out of less pipeline, more out of current customers.

And more out of fewer tools.

Getting More out of Parative

Parative is the more-in-one system for Scaled CS that transforms your success team into a successful revenue team.

Unlike traditional Success platforms, Parative is not a CRM for CS. It’s a Customer Orchestration System which combines

  • AI-powered data platform
  • A robust automation engine
  • And a collection of CX add-ons

to Identify Expansion Qualified Leads (EQLs), automate the customer journey and risk intervention, and drive self-service adoption and expansion.

And best of all, it can be invisible.

Parative can be used either as a CSP replacement…Or as a “headless” solution for improving your CSP or adding a CS layer to your CRM. 

The result: fewer tools, lower costs, more productive reps, and better Net Revenue Retention.


Through this comprehensive exploration of tech stack audits, we've shed light on the pivotal role they play in tech spend optimization and effective consolidation. By understanding your existing tech landscape, recognizing redundancies and inefficiencies, and identifying opportunities for consolidation, you can chart a course towards a more streamlined and cost-effective tech environment.

Every organization's journey will be unique, shaped by its specific needs, goals, and existing tech landscape. The first step on this journey is a thorough and thoughtful tech stack audit.

If you're ready to embark on this journey towards consolidation and want to delve deeper into the topic, we invite you to download our comprehensive eBook. You'll gain a more detailed understanding of tech stack consolidation, and explore how tools like Parative can aid in minimizing your tech spend, enhancing productivity, and driving growth.

Embarking on a tech stack audit might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and resources, it's an achievable and worthwhile endeavor. As the saying goes, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

So why not take that first step today? Your future streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective tech stack awaits.

Parative for CS
Mark Lerner

Head of Marketing @ Parative, the Customer Behavior Platform. SaaS enthusiast, B2B Marketing Specialist, Startup Survivalist. Dad x2.

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